In the mid-1990's, researchers believed they had found Amelia Earhart's shoe on a island in the South Pacific... I am sure the ghost of Amelia is wandering around looking for her other shoe which without could impede her many adventures (OSHA requires two shoes to fly a plane). Though, I'm sure that hasn't stop her - she's probably just changed careers and became a photographer instead. But is still wondering "Where's my shoe?"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
is the caption of this photo taken by EdgarDiazRocks from my last bout... in which I didn't get to bout in because I was (obviously) recovering from surgery. But it's true - I'm no good at being evil. Hardly any of my team is... we're too nice, happy and enjoy each other's company... which is great unless you're the evil team...
Today I received a bill from Regence, my health insurance provider. I've received a couple of them but they were fo $400 for the CT scan or $213 for something in the emergency room. I got one today that said "surgery" and was only $1,250. I was kind of baffled. My coworker who had her appendix out told me her bill was $26,000. I couldn't understand. Was it like, refer a friend (we had the same surgeon), and you get it your surgery 900% off? Buy one get one for 1/18 the price? I called my coworker to make absolutely sure that her bill was that expensive. Maybe she was wrong. I really only have $2,000 worth of bills (shoot my dental work was more expensive). She was swearing up and down the price. I made some jokes and decided I should login to my insurance online and see what was pending in my claims area.
I finally go in and sure enough there was a $33,700 bill pending. I have a million opinions about the evils of the insurance industry in general but I'm sure glad I have it -since I don't even have all the bills yet.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's been rainy and gray these last few weeks, pushing me to that point where I'm about to lose my mind when a little hint of spring shows up and reminds me to hang in there. It will be sunny. I will be able to go camping. All will be good again. Phew.
I was walking by Nordstorms downtown yesterday over lunch when I saw a gorgeous dress in the window that was perfect for my work event next week - the right color - strapless. I had this crazy idea that maybe perhaps it was a $100 dress and not a $500 dress. So I decided to go look at it. A saleswoman saw me looking around and jumped on board to help me find it. We did. It was $500. I just smiled at her and said, Oh you don't have my size (which they didn't) but she insisted that I try on the size one too large. I went into the dressing and did try it on. And it was one size too large. And though it was a beautiful dress it wasn't $500 beautiful. I handed it off to her, told her it was too large and that I would come back when I had more to eat lunch. (They have a great little restaurant. Weedy and I call it "Nordy's" and we love to go - tasty!)
Last night glancing over my hospital delivered, yet to read, Vanity Fair (with our new president on the cover!) when I stumbled across a paragraph of great writing that made me smile - and reread it. The article was about all of the books coming out for Baby Boomers - giving them yet something else to do in life - as James Wolcott was analysing, it was like all of the sudden they all needed to go to the grocery store and grab more experiences in life and try to collect them all. There are the books "a hundred places to visit before you die" or the film "The Bucket List"... I don't have a bucket list. Even with borderline-superhuman effort, I can barely get on major thing done a week, without adding bungee-jumping and whitewater rafting to the activity board. If anything, I take comfort in scratching off lofty to-do items that were basically daydreams that stuck around too long.
I like that, day dreams that stuck around too long. That's a great way to look at the "to-do" list in life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Obstacles: kitties, snow, coughing
Monday, March 02, 2009
At 8 a.m. on Sunday morning, Janis woke up (all of us had rolled in at 3 a.m. after going to out to a bar where Lara was DJing all night) with "OMG, the front door is open. Where are all the cats?" I scrambled out of bed, pulled on jeans and ran out the door to look for the kitties who appeared to not be in the house. I walked all the way down the stairs with the thoughts of starting at the bottom and working my way up. As soon as I opened the outside door, there was Monkey, curled up by the storage units. She looked up at me and meowed. I dropped her off in the house (where upon she immediately became skittish cat and acted like she didn't know where she was.) All three of us were outside calling Fezzi's name when we found out that he had actually been in the apartment the whole time. What a way to wake up.
Tonight the Wii Fit was turned back on again. I haven't played in forever (though I managed to get the highest score in the slalom and not do so bad on the fish game). I totally forgot about all of the Wii characters that have been created - friends - made up people - Maya, J Friday, Pablo, Juan (he's great a tennis), Hildagaarde (she's the general character), Joolee (Lara's friend), Lizzy (another friend), even President Obama is part of my Wii community. And to be perfectly honest, I bet you our president actually knows how to play Wii. He was out drinking a beer at an NBA game last night. He shoots hoops in his spare time. He has two daughters. He's got one finger on the pulse of the country. I bet you President Obama plays Wii... if he has time.