Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Terrible at being Evil...

is the caption of this photo taken by EdgarDiazRocks from my last bout... in which I didn't get to bout in because I was (obviously) recovering from surgery. But it's true - I'm no good at being evil. Hardly any of my team is... we're too nice, happy and enjoy each other's company... which is great unless you're the evil team...

Today I received a bill from Regence, my health insurance provider. I've received a couple of them but they were fo $400 for the CT scan or $213 for something in the emergency room. I got one today that said "surgery" and was only $1,250. I was kind of baffled. My coworker who had her appendix out told me her bill was $26,000. I couldn't understand. Was it like, refer a friend (we had the same surgeon), and you get it your surgery 900% off? Buy one get one for 1/18 the price? I called my coworker to make absolutely sure that her bill was that expensive. Maybe she was wrong. I really only have $2,000 worth of bills (shoot my dental work was more expensive). She was swearing up and down the price. I made some jokes and decided I should login to my insurance online and see what was pending in my claims area.

I finally go in and sure enough there was a $33,700 bill pending. I have a million opinions about the evils of the insurance industry in general but I'm sure glad I have it -since I don't even have all the bills yet.

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