Monday, March 30, 2009

Back to normal...??

March came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb - ok - actually it's going out like a lion too. I have the fewest blog postings that I've had in over a year this March. I was often too tired to write in the evening or I was too busy or there wasn't anything great to report besides discomfort, lack of appetite or just ennui. So in anticipation of April, I'll do a recap of the March:

Highlights of March:

Tonight - I went back to the pool! Shawndel - the instructor of hydrofit who cracks me up - welcomed me back. It was super crowded and eventually I moved from the slow lane to the medium lane. Not wanting to overdo it, I only swam for 20 minutes. So glad to back in the pool blowing bubbles.

Last Thursday we launched our new name! Our new logo! Our new website at a work event. It went extremely well. Working on this project for most of my time at work, I spent all day on Friday saying, "I'm so happy! I'm so happy!" And I am. There is so much more work to do but a great chunk of it is done.

My team lost their bout this month. Of course, I didn't get to play and called line-ups instead. I'm not even sure what the heck happened. It definitely didn't feel like we were the same team that played the Pistols in January. However, I have a feeling great things will come from it.

That being said, CarnEvil put together a great performance this weekend. We performed for our masquerade event - a little dance piece to the Bjork song "It's Oh So Quiet" with parasols. I love my team - and their willingness to do these fun and creative things together. They're the best. It's a great team.

Tomorrow I get my bee tattoos and that will end March. My stab wounds are healing and I go back on skates on April 1st. I was able to suffer though a cold this weekend without excruciating pain that was common to coughs and sneezes earlier this month... And as I head out of March, I have to remember to keep it all in perspective. Tonight at my HIV/AIDS Trail Unit Community Advisory Board meeting, a clinician was near tears as budgets dry up and programs that have been monitoring HIV positive men and women in the community disappear. She and her colleague have been calling all of the participants in this observatory program to let them know that after 17 years the program is going away.

I'm glad April is around the corner.

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