Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oatmeal, Papers, and Membership

Thick fat oats with strawberries and local honey has been my dinner twice this week. My appetite has sadly taken a leave-of-absence and I can't find anything to interest me - not my favorite Thai, Vietnamese, or Mexican peeks my curiosity. I just don't want to eat and find myself eating because I'm so hungry but no because I have a hankering for anything. And I'm baffled because I LOVE to eat. I love food. However, it could because I'm not exercising at all these last few days - which isn't relieving my stress -both of which could be the reason I'm no interested in food. Bew. At least it's tasty. Even if I'm not terribly interested.

Kathy asked me if I went and bought the last edition of the the PI as it stopped printing this week and went exclusively online. I didn't. I get the Times delivered to my door and not because I don't like the PI - when I moved out here I asked around - which paper should I get. I started with the PI and then people said "the P-I has better sports and arts but the Times has better news" so I ended up subscribing to the Times. So Seattle went from a two newspaper town to a one newspaper town and people are angry about it. I remember when Cleveland lost it's other paper back in the 80's. I'm bummed about the PI leaving because of the friends and journalists who are losing their jobs. But I'm more worried about the newspaper/news business in general. The model they're using isn't sustainable but they're not sure how to solve the problem. But someone has to report the news and someone has to get paid to do it. I'm worried about journalists and the various questions on how we're going to get "accurate" news in general. Hmmmm.

The great news this week is that we found out that Jet City Rollergirls became members of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association ( which is the regulating body of roller derby! Of course we found out thru other people first and don't have an official letter yet but we're on their website (not quite correct) but it's pretty damn exciting! We're going to start working on our ranking and eventually we might find ourselves at Regionals! Yeah! It's very exciting. It's very big for our league and was one of our goals of this year! I'm very proud of it. Yipeee!
*photo from the marquee at the Paramount saying goodbye to the P-I.

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