Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It was a cold and rainy night...

...as I pulled my hoodie up around my neck and popped open my "shoe" umbrella which has seen better days but has been put to good use since I moved to Seattle. I left the gym in a rain that, to me, is declaring the end of summer. My new workout with my trainer is declaring the end of summer too - as she intend on punishing me for taking June and July off - for outdoor skates in the park and other fun things.

I decided this week, after I pay for my gazillion car repairs (or at least two of them) that I would sign up for a writing class. I was intent on signing up for burlesque but that was going to cost me a fortune ($100 more than last year when I first looked into it.) And a writing class, like going to the gym, will work out my writing muscle and get its flabby self back into shape. I'm going to take a class at the Hugo House - which I've been to a couple of times before. I'm sure it's going to be fun. It will probably be like some of the classes I've taught before but it will give me an excuse to write and real deadlines, as opposed to the artificial ones in my head. I'm looking forward to the structure. And it will be on a Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it.

I don't want to be looking at myself when I'm 60 and wondering "why didn't I go to the gym all these years..." Why had I stopped writing?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The start of the week....
Tomorrow I'll spend most of the morning doing this last procedure for the HIV/AIDS Trail Unit study that I've been a part of for just over a year now. I am still a volunteer for the CAB (community advisory board). I'm so glad to have done it - I just wish it could have yielded more favorable results.

I'm supposed to go camping this weekend with Lara and Megan and I can't wait! I can't wait to eat like queens by cooking up some great grub, go on mini-hikes all day, hang out by the ocean, drink wine, tell stories, sleep under the stars, listen to the bugs and take deep breaths. I can't wait! I'm hoping the rain, which we hadn't seen for a while, isn't here to stay and just came by for a brief visit. I love camping.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Today I went to the dentist to get some old fillings replaced. Silvers have been replaced with plastic resins. The silver ones are destined to crack and break and it appears I got most of my fillings around the same time (probably 6th grade). The conversation with my dentist (who I think is fantastic) started out with "did you have any pain in the front of your mouth?" I said no. Nothing wrong. A couple of questions later, a look at the x-rays from last year and a month ago, and it turns out I have an abscessed tooth. Did I take a blow to the front of my mouth (when? think... when?)? A couple of tests (that are completely painful to the point of tears) proved that the tooth, even with the abscess, was still well and alive. But I remembered the elbow to the mouth (accidentally from one of my own fellow skaters) and that's what must have pulled the root from the bone. Now I have a snapped root. A root canal is in my future. They don't know when, exactly, which made for a pretty crappy appointment in general because I was upset - at the thought of more (future) paint.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got home at close to 9:30 p.m. tonight after a work meeting and an extremely long day. I put on some gym clothes, emptied out my trunk and in the pouring rain, tried to fix my broken seat belt in the back seat. Of course I didn't have the tool I needed. Thought I managed to unscrew many plastic moldings, the pig light revealed that I didn't have the tools necessary to get the seat belt apart. The manual told me that too. Why was I trying to fix my backseat seat belt on a cold rainy night after a long meeting? So I could put the seats down, turning my hatchback into a min U-Haul and collect tons of kids clothes, records, books and other stuff that my colleagues were giving to me for my team's garage sale - which was this weekend.

And as water was dripping down my back and while I searched for a lost black screw after a 13 hour day, I was thinking, this Michelle, is ridiculous.

Spending 10 minutes to find this NatalieDee.com funny picture of Pig Light to enhance my blog posting was just as ridiculous.

ReCap of our weekend bout...

From All About Derby - he has a pretty good eye for the game and does a much better job than say, me, who was in it. Enjoy!

August 19, 2008 - Tuesday

Rat City Bout Recap Featuring the Jet City Rollergirls Category: Sports
On Saturday night, a piping hot Hangar 30 was the site of the Rat City Rollergirls 5th bout of the season. In the first game, a potential spot in the championship was in the balance as the last two RCRG champs, Grave Danger and the Sockit Wenches, squared off. And in the second bout of the night, the Throttle Rockets played host to Everett's own Jet City Rollergirls all-star squad.
Sockit Wenches vs. Grave Danger

Jet City Bombers vs. Throttle Rockets
First Half

Jam 1. Darth Skater took the jammers cap for the Throttle Rockets and skated away with lead jammer and a 5-0 grand slam run over Connie Torturous. Score 5-0 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 2. During the initial pass, Jet City jammer Polly Pickpocket made an awesome zig-zag move around Rocket blocker Crash Gordon to claim lead jammer. However, the Bombers still fell short in this jam as Dee Troit was able to post an 8-4 decision for the Throttle Rockets. Score 13-4 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 3. Leeloo was able to pick up lead jammer for the Throttle Rockets, but she still won a squeeker over Cia WoodnwannaBia by a 3-2 count. Score 16-6 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 4. Things looked good for Bomber jammer ReAnimat-her early on as she claimed lead jammer. But just after she did that, the Rockets defense reeled her back in. This gave Comet Atcha the chance to skate away with a 4-0 decision. Score 20-6 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 5. During the initial pass, Rockets jammer Crash Gordon was sent packing to the penalty box. Cia WoddnwannaBia had a chance to pick up some unanswered points for the Bombers, but the jam was called after she crashed to the floor after a huge hit and couldn't get back up. Score 20-6 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 6. Darth Skater once again took the jammers cap for the Throttle Rockets and she made the most of it by earning lead jammer and skating away with a 14-3 decision over Weed Whack-Her (who was sent to the box around mid-jam). During one of the scoring passes, Bomber blocker Nasty Nikki Nightstick came screaming out of the penalty box and landed a highlight reel hit on Rocket blocker Comet Atcha. I just had to mention that one. Score 34-9 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 7. Right after her penalty time was served, Weed Whack-Her came out of the box only to commit another foul and be sent right back in there. All the while, Rocket jammer Dee Troit was on her way to lead jammer and a pair of grand slam runs for a 10-0 run. Score 44-9 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 8. With Weed Whack-Her still sitting in the penalty box, Leeloo earned lead jammer and coasted her way to a 13-4 run. Score 57-13 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 9. Comet Atcha was able to claim lead jammer for the Throttle Rockets and came away with a 9-2 decision over Polly Pickpocket. Score 66-15 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 10. ReAnimateher was able to earn lead jammer status and took advantage of Crash Gordon's trip to the sin bin with a 10-3 posting. Score 69-25 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 11. It appeared that Jet City was finally finding their legs as Weed Whack-Her executed a nice little block at the front of the pack which enabled Connie Torturous to spring out to lead jammer status and an eventual 8-4 decision over Astro Glide. Score 73-33 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 12. Just after the jam started, Jet City blocker Retro Bution threw a great hit that took out Rockets jammer Strobe Lightning. And later on during the jam, Lightning was waved off the track to the penalty box. This gave Polly Pickpocket the time to earn lead jammer status and claim a grand slam 5-0 run. Score 73-38 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 13. Darth Skater reclaimed some of the momentum for the Throttle Rockets as she was able to earn lead jammer and post a 4-2 tally over Re-Animateher. Score 77-40 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 14. Dee Troit continued the Throttle Rockets late pull-away as she was able to pick up lead jammer and also an 8-4 decision over Weed Whack-Her. Score 85-42 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 15. Even though Leeloo was able to earn lead jammer status for the Throttle Rockets, she still had to settle with a 4-4 draw against Polly Pickpocket. Score 89-46 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 16. In the final jam of the half, Comet Atcha closed out the scoring on a high note for the Throttle Rockets as she was able to claim a 4-0 decision over Connie Torturous. The halftime score stood at Throttle Rockets 93, Jet City Bombers 46

Second Half
Jam 1. Darth Skater kicked off the second half almost exactly the same way she did the first half; by claiming lead jammer and a 4-0 decision over Re-Animateher. Score 97-46 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 2. Things were looking bleak for the Bombers early in this jam. Rockets blocker Andromeda Sprain nailed Bomber jammer Connie Torurous with a vicious hit early on while Dee Troit was able to land the lead jammer. But in a wild turn of events, Dee Troit was sent packing to the sin bin during her scoring pass. And Connie Torturous was able to skate around for the full two minutes racking up four points on her first scoring pass and a pair of grand slams during her next two for a 14-1 pounding. Score 98-60 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 3. However, the Throttle Rockets doused the Jet City flames in a hurry as Dee Troit came out of the penalty box, claimed lead jammer and raced her way to three grand slams in a 15-0 decision over Polly Pickpocket. Score 113-60 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 4. Connie Torturous took the jammers panty for the Bombers and came away with lead jammer and a 3-0 run against Sirius Mischief. Score 113-63 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 5. Leeloo was able to earn lead jammer status for the Throttle Rockets and picked up a quick two points and called it off before Re-Animateher could score any of her own. Score 115-63 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 6. During the initial pass, Jet City blocker Nasty Nikki Nightstick blasted Rockets jammer Leeloo with a hit that caused a rather large pile-up at the front of the pack. Bombers jammer Angelica Del Morte was sent off to the penalty box during that initial pass, and Leeloo was ordered off not too long afterwards which brought the jam to a close with no points being scored. Score 115-63 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 7. Tuff Enuff took the jammes cap for Jet City, earned lead jammer and came away with a solid 4-0 run over Comet Atcha. Score 115-67 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 8. Polly Pickpocket was making her way through the pack well enough for Jet City early on, but when she got to the front of the pack, she was sent off for a cutting the track major. It didn't matter much though as TR jammer Andromeda Sprain was also eventually sent to the sin bin which ended the jam in a scoreless tie. Score 115-67 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 9. With Andromeda Sprain still in the penalty box, Weed Whack-Her had a chance to post some comeback points for the Bombers. But she was sent off after skating out of bounds for the entire back straightaway. Jam ended with no scoring. Score 115-67 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 10. Leeloo was able to earn lead jammer and claimed a 4-2 decision over Angelica Del Morte. Score 119-69 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 11. Polly Pickpocket was able to earn lead jammer for the Bombers and took full advantage of TR jammer Star Strucks trip to the sin bin with a nice 10-0 lead jammer run. Score 119-79 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 12. Connie Torturous took the jammers cap for Jet City and made the most of it as she earned lead jammer and came away with an 8-0 run over Star Struck (who was absolutely pasted at least three times by Nasty Nikki Nightstick in this jam). Score 119-87 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 13. Re-Animateher took her turn at jammer for the Bombers and skated away with a 5-0 run over Leeloo. Score 119-92 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 14. Comet Atcha was able to earn lead jammer for the Throttle Rockets and came away with a 6-0 decision against Polly Pickpocket. Score 125-92 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 15. Weed Whack-Her was able to earn lead jammer for the Jet City squad,. But she had to settle with a 4-4 draw with Darth Skater. Score 129-95 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 16. Re-Animateher was able to earn lead jammer for Jet City, but neither she nor Dee Troit could post any points on the scoreboard. Score 129-95 in favor of the Throttle Rockets.

Jam 17. In the final jam of the night, Connie Torturous ended the game on a high note for Jet City as she was able to earn lead jammer and pick up a grand slam on her first pass and four more points during her second for a 9-0 decision over La Petite Mort. The final score was

Throttle Rockets 129, Jet City Bombers 104.

Three Stars

3. Nasty Nikki Nightstick. I gotta give her this star simply because she is all over the place in my blocking notes. Probably more than the rest of the players combined in this bout.

2. Darth Skater. I thought this was the best game I've seen her play since her comeback started earlier this year. She shined as a jammer, and also did well within the pack as a blocker.

1. Dee Troit. Pretty much the dominant jammer in this game. She had a pair of double-digit runs along with two more 8 point jams.
Key Jam Of the Game

The 6th jam of the first half when Darth Skater came away with that 14-3 decision that started a 37-7 run by the Throttle Rockets. Had it not been for those three jams, the outcome of this game may very well have been a lot closer, if not different.

Bad Girl Of the Game
Trixxxie's Trashn' Em spent a total of 6 minutes in the penalty box according to my count.

Overall, it was a pretty good night of derby! Both games despite their scores were actually freakishly close on the track. At the end of the day, it was penalties by one team at one point or the other that decided the outcomes. For the third year in a row, the Sockit Wenches find themselves back in the championship game while Jet City looked pretty impressive…especially after they seemed to calm down a little and get into a groove out there in the first period. All-in-all, it was an awesome night!

Monday, August 18, 2008


When I got on the bus this morning, it was muggy and all I was thinking was someone needs to open the windows before I melt behind my shades. By the time my first pot of coffee was done brewing at work, a storm had blown in, dropping it down into the sixties. Suddenly, I was super under dressed and without an umbrella for a noontime meeting. Luckily other people are more prepared than me.

Here's a photo from this weekend's bout that cracks me up - I'm trying to pull a whip off of Trixxie's shorts (notice her looking at me grabbing her shirts) while Comet is elbowing me in the gut. It's pretty damn funny. To me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Dance Party in the Skies...

It's that terribly common to have heat lightening storms in the skies like the one we're having tonight. There is a very full moon (ok, one day waining), with giant clouds darting around it and a very exciting heat lightening storm. It really needs to rain. It's been hanging out in the 90s for the last few days with high humidity.

The weather made for a very exhausting bout yesterday. JCRG's travel team, the Bombers, played against RCRG's Throttle Rockets. I was so happy to play against them as many of my pals from PFM when I first started skating now play for them. Plus, they're just one of my favorite teams. So it was super FUN. We had a crappy opening but managed to come together during the last 15 minutes of the first half and the second half. I had a scoreless opening jam (bew) but managed to snap out of it and pull in a bunch of points and closed the game by pushing us over 100 - which was great. They were a great team to play though we were sweating buckets (and I mean buckets). We had a great cheering section at turn two of many, many friends and league mates.

Today I went to visit my garden today it it looks like a rental home - it needs a few repairs, an update here and there but looking pretty good all around. Tomatoes and corner are loving the heat. There's no "knee high by the 4th of July here." It's more like "knee high if you're lucky." There are some cucumbers fighting for some space and nearly dead flowers that need to be pulled up. The lettuce I planted recently hasn't popped thru yet. They might be a loss but I'll make a better effort to water my garden more often. Lettuce is a cool weather vegetable and right now it's tomato and corn time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I don't have one but I did go home early from work today feeling under-the-weather. When I got off the bus this morning all I could think was "I need to go lay down. I need to go lay down." Bugs have been going around at work and the derby league - everything from a common cold to Strept. I managed to get thru lunch before a colleague took me home to Ballard as she was out running errands. So I'm fighting a cold I don't quite have with a 4 hour nap, early to bed, pho (Vietnamese soup) and a bunch of dirty hippie home remedies, like Ziacam, Airborne and kombucha (which I swear by).

However, my computer almost go that AWFUL virus going around on the Internet. It's hidden in things Olympic websites (like looking up some information on Michael Phelps) and is called "XP Antivirus 2008". Lara go it at work. It crashed our reception's computer at my work. And I most go it on my computer but I realized what was going on immediately and hit the "control+alt+delete" combo to stop my Internet from downloading it. Phew. Though there are websites to stop it and take it out, who needs to deal with that especially when I need to go to bed early.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


It's been a while since I've dedicated this much time to the Olympics. I think the last time I watched it this intently was probably in 1984 - with Mary Lou Retton and Atari "Olympics" as part of my experience. It was summer. (I didn't have to work.) Like many kids, I imagined myself as some kind of potential Olympiad but I could tell you which one. I knew that gymnastics was out of the question but maybe I could be come a runner or pole vaulter, perhaps a synchronized swimmer (very arty). I mean at 9 years old anything was possible, even become a champion ice skater and I had never skated before.

I have various reasons for not following the Olympics over the next 20 plus years: 1988 Olympics I was working - tons - taking care of two kids during the day and working at the China Lantern in the evenings - and off on the Outwest trips. 1992 - ditto. In 1996 - I was in South Africa on a theatre externship and the Olympics were very far from my mind. 2000 - I was in West Africa - actually home by then. 2004, who knows. And maybe all those years I've watched a little bit of Olympics, but just don't remember. And maybe I'll just watch a bit this year and think I really followed it this year.

It's pretty amazing to see all of these athlete's dreams being played out before thousands of people. And being an athlete or more athletic than I have been over the last 24 years (2 seasons of soccer and summer softball each year aren't the same as what derby has done), I have a great appreciation and huge respect for their training; their dedication; their determination and the courage it takes to be such an athlete and to live your dream before millions of people like that. And it's pretty freakin' exciting! Especially when there's an upset and shit talk!

I, of course, am not disillusioned in thinking that I could be an Olympiad just like I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win a Tony. But it's fun to watch them live their dreams.

Derby will never be an Olympic sport - or at least not anytime soon - but it's a great time. Below is a photo from a scrimmage at RollerCon - I'm not quite sure what the hell is going on in this photo - perhaps I'm recovering from a hit or peeling around the corner so far that my body hasn't had time to catch up with my legs but it's a funny picture. And has nothing to do with the Olympics - just sharing.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fall... already?

The last few days have been brisk - the kind of brisk that you expect at the end of September as a warning that the hot, sunshiny days are numbered - limited event. I'm not quite ready for these days 6 weeks into our summer. It's been a short summer - though glorious - way too short and the bit in the air makes me want to reach for a sweater and I'm not quite ready for that.

I eventually have to blog about this because it's just too noticeable sometimes and too funny all the other times. I am a klutz. If there is a crack in the sidewalk I will trip on it. If there is an tiny dip, my ankle will turn on it and I will perform an arms-flailing-recovery. I don't get hurt and I rarely make it to all four on the ground (or even one or two for that matter.) About once a year I skin a hand. My mother would probably said it's because I don't lift my feet when walking (pick up your feet Michelle!) and other's might argue it's because of weak ankles (but they're not, I am sure.) Friday was a very intense "I am such a klutz!" day. Walking around to meetings and such, I nearly fell about 4 times and they each garnered a response from passing pedestrians of "OMG! Are you OK?!" And I just smile and keep on walking.

Heidi will say that one of her favorites memories in Egypt was when we were in a boutique and I brought two scarves over to her. We chatted about which color would look better and deciding that neither did the trick, I took them back to the table they came from. She turned to say something to me and caught me just in time as I was flying thru the air, a scarf in each hand. She nearly died laughing as did about everyone else in the store - physical humor is funny! Truly.

I do think, by being such a klutz, I have developed a heightened state of awareness and my body is in constant state of "I'll catch you if you fall". Consequently, my recoveries when I do fall are quick and painless. It has helped me tremendously in derby and in dancing. I think because I'm always expecting to fall -that I rarely do when someone is trying to take me out... At least that is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


So I was sitting on the block of Union nearing 1st Ave for about 17 minutes on my way home from work. I couldn't get out of bed in time to make my bus this morning so I drove. And on my way home I decided to swing by the Post Office downtown to drop off 100 invitations to a 30th reunion for work. Well, that was a bad idea. I couldn't even get to the mail drop for the amount of cars on one city block was probably illegal. I managed to get over to the far right lane to head north towards towards Ballard and got stuck. For 17 minutes. On a short city block. And I don't even like to drive to work. I had to go to practice. I needed a nap.

So while sitting there (the only thing keeping me from getting out directing traffic myself was that I saw a police officer walk that way already), I was thinking of cars and for some reason I hearkened back to when I was kid and fell out of a car. Ok. That makes it sound like I was speeding down a highway and fell out and rolled into a ditch or something crazy. It was more like I thought my mom had parked and I opened the door and step out just in time for her to pull away. I fell out. Rolled around. Probably got yelled at for stepping out of the car (out of fear that I could have hurt myself even more.) It was in a parking lot. I fell out of a car. I'm pretty sure we wore seat belts - but maybe not.

It was something to think about. While sitting in a car, inching down one city block for 17 minutes.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Whooped after being humbled and inspired....

After 5 days in Los Vegas with nearly 3,000 roller girls in 107 degree heat, I'm whooped. I was humbled by some amazing skaters from other leagues across the country; made friends with ones in similar situations as my league; got to know some of my own league mates better and found inspiration as the game is growing and changing.

It was better that last year as I knew what to expect, participated in more fun activities like being a the L Word team v. Sex in the City mini-bout and as a "jeer leader" for another fun mini-bout team. I went there with eyes open and ready to learn - and that I did.

I forgot to gamble at the casino but did manage to stay up most the night a few times just to hang out with some friends; watch the “Billy Idol” dealer rev up the roller derby crowd each night at 2:30 a.m.; drank bottled Coors Light (bleh) and shared in the unofficial RollerCon theme of “sharing”.

Some highlights: While scrimmaging on a polished cement floor (read: slippery as snot) I gave Arsenio Brawl a whip, she got hit by a blocker, went down, but I hadn’t let go of her hand and managed to swing her back up off the floor, onto her skates and off she went. It was simply awesome.

Sierra Fist told me that I was “amazing” when we were dancing at karaoke. I have years of practice being a “lead” dancer because of the general shortage of men in salsa and meringue. Because of my height, I was taught to lead. I’m generally a good dancer – even if my dance partners are toasted.

I got to know two skaters from Riverside Roller Girls in Virginia who belong to a league that is very similar – about the same age, facing some of the same struggles and successes. It was fantastic to meet them and it would be dreamy to be able to bout them someday.

I also had a great time hanging out with some of my league mates. Some of us are on the same team and some of were roommates last year. But we’re a year older as a league, our problems are challenges and accomplishments are different. I also hung out with other skaters I knew from area leagues, photographer friends, refs and fans. It was fun.

There are many other stories from RollerCon but one of the best things that happened was in the LA airport coming home. (We had managed to fly past amazing thunderstorm clouds over the desert.) I had read the People magazine back to front and back again. I was too tired to stay awake on the last leg of my trip but wanted something to read until I fell asleep. I stumbled across David Sedaris’ new book “When You Are Engulfed in Flames” at the airport bookstore. I don’t buy hard copies of books but after starting a chapter in the middle I couldn’t say no. And as tired as I was, I couldn’t stop reading it. It brought me such joy! I forgot how much I loved to read – it’s been forever since I’ve made time to do so. And it inspired me to write. I am not a writer like David Sedaris – but I would like to call myself a writer just the same. And I think the last 5 days in Vegas provided plenty of inspiration.