Monday, August 04, 2008

Whooped after being humbled and inspired....

After 5 days in Los Vegas with nearly 3,000 roller girls in 107 degree heat, I'm whooped. I was humbled by some amazing skaters from other leagues across the country; made friends with ones in similar situations as my league; got to know some of my own league mates better and found inspiration as the game is growing and changing.

It was better that last year as I knew what to expect, participated in more fun activities like being a the L Word team v. Sex in the City mini-bout and as a "jeer leader" for another fun mini-bout team. I went there with eyes open and ready to learn - and that I did.

I forgot to gamble at the casino but did manage to stay up most the night a few times just to hang out with some friends; watch the “Billy Idol” dealer rev up the roller derby crowd each night at 2:30 a.m.; drank bottled Coors Light (bleh) and shared in the unofficial RollerCon theme of “sharing”.

Some highlights: While scrimmaging on a polished cement floor (read: slippery as snot) I gave Arsenio Brawl a whip, she got hit by a blocker, went down, but I hadn’t let go of her hand and managed to swing her back up off the floor, onto her skates and off she went. It was simply awesome.

Sierra Fist told me that I was “amazing” when we were dancing at karaoke. I have years of practice being a “lead” dancer because of the general shortage of men in salsa and meringue. Because of my height, I was taught to lead. I’m generally a good dancer – even if my dance partners are toasted.

I got to know two skaters from Riverside Roller Girls in Virginia who belong to a league that is very similar – about the same age, facing some of the same struggles and successes. It was fantastic to meet them and it would be dreamy to be able to bout them someday.

I also had a great time hanging out with some of my league mates. Some of us are on the same team and some of were roommates last year. But we’re a year older as a league, our problems are challenges and accomplishments are different. I also hung out with other skaters I knew from area leagues, photographer friends, refs and fans. It was fun.

There are many other stories from RollerCon but one of the best things that happened was in the LA airport coming home. (We had managed to fly past amazing thunderstorm clouds over the desert.) I had read the People magazine back to front and back again. I was too tired to stay awake on the last leg of my trip but wanted something to read until I fell asleep. I stumbled across David Sedaris’ new book “When You Are Engulfed in Flames” at the airport bookstore. I don’t buy hard copies of books but after starting a chapter in the middle I couldn’t say no. And as tired as I was, I couldn’t stop reading it. It brought me such joy! I forgot how much I loved to read – it’s been forever since I’ve made time to do so. And it inspired me to write. I am not a writer like David Sedaris – but I would like to call myself a writer just the same. And I think the last 5 days in Vegas provided plenty of inspiration.

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