Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got home at close to 9:30 p.m. tonight after a work meeting and an extremely long day. I put on some gym clothes, emptied out my trunk and in the pouring rain, tried to fix my broken seat belt in the back seat. Of course I didn't have the tool I needed. Thought I managed to unscrew many plastic moldings, the pig light revealed that I didn't have the tools necessary to get the seat belt apart. The manual told me that too. Why was I trying to fix my backseat seat belt on a cold rainy night after a long meeting? So I could put the seats down, turning my hatchback into a min U-Haul and collect tons of kids clothes, records, books and other stuff that my colleagues were giving to me for my team's garage sale - which was this weekend.

And as water was dripping down my back and while I searched for a lost black screw after a 13 hour day, I was thinking, this Michelle, is ridiculous.

Spending 10 minutes to find this NatalieDee.com funny picture of Pig Light to enhance my blog posting was just as ridiculous.

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