Sunday, August 10, 2008


It's been a while since I've dedicated this much time to the Olympics. I think the last time I watched it this intently was probably in 1984 - with Mary Lou Retton and Atari "Olympics" as part of my experience. It was summer. (I didn't have to work.) Like many kids, I imagined myself as some kind of potential Olympiad but I could tell you which one. I knew that gymnastics was out of the question but maybe I could be come a runner or pole vaulter, perhaps a synchronized swimmer (very arty). I mean at 9 years old anything was possible, even become a champion ice skater and I had never skated before.

I have various reasons for not following the Olympics over the next 20 plus years: 1988 Olympics I was working - tons - taking care of two kids during the day and working at the China Lantern in the evenings - and off on the Outwest trips. 1992 - ditto. In 1996 - I was in South Africa on a theatre externship and the Olympics were very far from my mind. 2000 - I was in West Africa - actually home by then. 2004, who knows. And maybe all those years I've watched a little bit of Olympics, but just don't remember. And maybe I'll just watch a bit this year and think I really followed it this year.

It's pretty amazing to see all of these athlete's dreams being played out before thousands of people. And being an athlete or more athletic than I have been over the last 24 years (2 seasons of soccer and summer softball each year aren't the same as what derby has done), I have a great appreciation and huge respect for their training; their dedication; their determination and the courage it takes to be such an athlete and to live your dream before millions of people like that. And it's pretty freakin' exciting! Especially when there's an upset and shit talk!

I, of course, am not disillusioned in thinking that I could be an Olympiad just like I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win a Tony. But it's fun to watch them live their dreams.

Derby will never be an Olympic sport - or at least not anytime soon - but it's a great time. Below is a photo from a scrimmage at RollerCon - I'm not quite sure what the hell is going on in this photo - perhaps I'm recovering from a hit or peeling around the corner so far that my body hasn't had time to catch up with my legs but it's a funny picture. And has nothing to do with the Olympics - just sharing.

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