Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I don't have one but I did go home early from work today feeling under-the-weather. When I got off the bus this morning all I could think was "I need to go lay down. I need to go lay down." Bugs have been going around at work and the derby league - everything from a common cold to Strept. I managed to get thru lunch before a colleague took me home to Ballard as she was out running errands. So I'm fighting a cold I don't quite have with a 4 hour nap, early to bed, pho (Vietnamese soup) and a bunch of dirty hippie home remedies, like Ziacam, Airborne and kombucha (which I swear by).

However, my computer almost go that AWFUL virus going around on the Internet. It's hidden in things Olympic websites (like looking up some information on Michael Phelps) and is called "XP Antivirus 2008". Lara go it at work. It crashed our reception's computer at my work. And I most go it on my computer but I realized what was going on immediately and hit the "control+alt+delete" combo to stop my Internet from downloading it. Phew. Though there are websites to stop it and take it out, who needs to deal with that especially when I need to go to bed early.

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