Sunday, August 24, 2008

The start of the week....
Tomorrow I'll spend most of the morning doing this last procedure for the HIV/AIDS Trail Unit study that I've been a part of for just over a year now. I am still a volunteer for the CAB (community advisory board). I'm so glad to have done it - I just wish it could have yielded more favorable results.

I'm supposed to go camping this weekend with Lara and Megan and I can't wait! I can't wait to eat like queens by cooking up some great grub, go on mini-hikes all day, hang out by the ocean, drink wine, tell stories, sleep under the stars, listen to the bugs and take deep breaths. I can't wait! I'm hoping the rain, which we hadn't seen for a while, isn't here to stay and just came by for a brief visit. I love camping.

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