Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Killer Nap...
I came home with the intention of going out for a run (bleh) or for a swim (woot!) and trying to keep up with my "workouteverydaytomakemyselfastrongerskater". Instead, I laid down for a 20 minute nap and woke up an hour later completely confused (thinking it was morning or a day later). Clearly I needed the rest... and the sweet potato fries and Steelhead salmon that I made. It was a nice night to stay in and rest. Sometimes you forget that's the most important thing.


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Two weeks ago at a league meeting, right after the Wild West Showdown, I told this story:

So we were warming up and we would pass the Jet City Rollergirl's "Bomb Squad" and hear "yeahhh!" and then we hit the other corner and hear "booooo". My first thought was "who the fuck boos anyone?" And then I figured it out. There was a "B" team of a high ranking league who the Bombers had beaten and suddenly we were enemies with their "A" team. I was baffled until I realized that most of the "B" team was now the "A" team and they were the ones booing us. (Once again. Who the fuck boos anyone?)

Right at half time, the Philly Rollergirls showed up and they sat down (unintentionally) in front of this team who were booing us and they were like "this is a great game." Some fans told them how Jet City fought a 30+ point deficit and were ahead by 2 points at the half. Suddenly - when we skated by - it was "YEEAAHHHH (Bomb Squad)...YEAAAAHHHH (Philly)". They out cheered this other team.

And it was awesome.

Tonight someone booed a league mate- which we don't do. Jet City Rollergirls do not boo refs, opposing skaters, visiting fans, other teammates - ever. We certainly don't allow teammates to boo; we don't allow fans to boo refs; we don't allow fans to boo anyone. But somehow it happened. It happened to a skater who worked her ass off to get through a line up of Nikki, Molly, Fuzz, Jude ... any skater who takes a lickin' and gets up and fights all over again deserves nothing but cheers and applause and constant encouragement... I love your effort. I love your tenacity. And even if you beat me you deserve my respect.

But someone booed a skater tonight. And my heart is broken for that skater. I'm also so angry at this fan who thought they had the right to boo anyone. Strap on a pair of skates and try to get around Nikki, avoid a hit from Trixxie, get around Cia, take on Dixie and Luna, stare Retro in the face. If you can do all of that - you are fearless - but you didn't. But someone else did. And she deserves my respect.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teeth, Easter Candy, little crabs...

It's rare that I says things like "I love my dentist! They're all great - I have an amazing hygienist who taught me all about my teeth." But it's true. Last week my hygienist taught me all about my teeth, why we floss, what we're actually trying to accomplished when we brush, why we get lazy towards the back of our mouths, all the science behind bacteria, decay, etc. I told her, with tools in my mouth, garbled, "I wish someone had told me all of this in high school." And she responded to my sentiment like I wanted to blame someone or something for my lack of knowledge, "You probably wouldn't have listened then." And this week, something has happened that has never happened in my whole life - I've flossed every single day. I just might yet become a habit.

Of course, now is a good time to start better dental habits as Easter Candy is out and I just LOVE Easter Candy. It's really the only time that chocolate tops gummy worms in my sweet tooth craving (that is generally pretty tame.) I love the chocolate eggs with a candy shell. I enjoy malt ball eggs and peanut butter eggs. Kisses somehow make it into my mouth and they're at the bottom of the candy scale. And I don't even enjoy this candy any other time or even at Halloween when it's just as ubiquitous! I honest think it has something to do with spring and all the fuzzy little chicks, cute little bunnies and lavender wrappers that make it taste so much better.

The only thing better than Easter Candy in the spring with newly flossed teeth is the little crab, we who met over Thanksgiving. He's going to be my next tattoo. I've wanted a little crab, the most wonderful reluctant creatures to find under rock, for a while. And I just found this perfect photo of him... now I just need to find a place where he won't be hiding...

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Oh Little Sleepy boy...

Last week Pygmy had a little baby boy Benjamin Henry. His middle name comes from Jon's very close family friend for whom he was always doing computer work for and hanging out with on the weekend. Often times, Pygmy and I would gather on Sunday and go for a walk around Greenlake because Jon was "helping Hank (Henry)." Hank died last year. Benjamin came for a conversation Heidi had with Jon. She liked the name but wasn't sure that Jon did because he had so many friends named Benjamin. But it stuck - the day before he was born.

When I was in Philly this past fall, I was walking thru the Ben Franklin Cemetery. I texted Heidi all of the first names in the cemetery as I walked past them (to give her boy name ideas - she was struggling) - basically all of the "founding fathers" of the country ... Benjamin, John, Caleb, William, Samuel, Franklin, Adam, Jon and... repeat. She made a joke about that. About how he's name after Ben Franklin, about sending her texts from the cemetery... but really, he's name after other great Benjamins... who are all friends. Those are the best kind of names.

I caught a bit of Paul Simon tonight and it reminded me of little Benjamin and other little boys (who are becoming bigger boys by the minute):

Oo, little sleepy boy
Do you know what time it is?
Well the hour of your bedtime's long been past
And though I know you're fighting it
I can tell when you rub your eyes
You're fading fast, oh fading fast

Welcome little Benjamin.