Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Oh Little Sleepy boy...

Last week Pygmy had a little baby boy Benjamin Henry. His middle name comes from Jon's very close family friend for whom he was always doing computer work for and hanging out with on the weekend. Often times, Pygmy and I would gather on Sunday and go for a walk around Greenlake because Jon was "helping Hank (Henry)." Hank died last year. Benjamin came for a conversation Heidi had with Jon. She liked the name but wasn't sure that Jon did because he had so many friends named Benjamin. But it stuck - the day before he was born.

When I was in Philly this past fall, I was walking thru the Ben Franklin Cemetery. I texted Heidi all of the first names in the cemetery as I walked past them (to give her boy name ideas - she was struggling) - basically all of the "founding fathers" of the country ... Benjamin, John, Caleb, William, Samuel, Franklin, Adam, Jon and... repeat. She made a joke about that. About how he's name after Ben Franklin, about sending her texts from the cemetery... but really, he's name after other great Benjamins... who are all friends. Those are the best kind of names.

I caught a bit of Paul Simon tonight and it reminded me of little Benjamin and other little boys (who are becoming bigger boys by the minute):

Oo, little sleepy boy
Do you know what time it is?
Well the hour of your bedtime's long been past
And though I know you're fighting it
I can tell when you rub your eyes
You're fading fast, oh fading fast

Welcome little Benjamin.

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