Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Best Sock (Monkey) Ever...
Two weeks ago at the Jet City Rollergirl Prom I won two awards - CarnEvil's award for "Work Horse" and also "Best Socks." I won best socks in 2007 and all of 2008 I was determined to retain that award status (and then it wasn't offered - damn it!) But I managed to get it again in 2009 - probably because I am actually known for wearing rainbow socks...

Last week I was trying to jazz up some text for an invitation for work and emailed a questions to a bunch of people to try to come up with better words: What words would you use to get your friends excited to come to an event that would be true to the event? (Like calling it a magical circus with sparkly blue monkeys would be fun but it’s not true.) Well then I went to Google "non profit events" for sample and inadvertently wrote "sparkly blue monkeys" and came across this website (after laughting at myself). But then I scrolled down and found rainbow sock monkey. How awesome is she?!?! Even hanging with her Carnie friend... I love random things like this.
This is the stuff that makes life fun.
And no, she has no monkeys like this available...but once she starts making them again... she'll let me know.

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