Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Just cause you're following a well made trail, don't mean whoever made it knew where they were headed...

I read that quote on a Deschutes Bewery newsletter on the table at the Pub. I had a great mini-vacation two weeks ago. JCRG's travel team went to Bend, Oregon to play a "sanctioned" bout. Maudy and I arrived on Friday night after sitting in ridiculous traffic and spending a couple hours winding around Mt. Hood. Saturday the team "floated down the river" - which was really just what we needed. I can't say I've intentionally 'floated a river' in forever. It was great. We made derby jokes and my arms froze off as I tried to paddle at catch up with the rest of the group - the river is fed by moutain water. We kicked serious butt in a derby bout and then I spent the rest of my vacation there drinking beer at Deschutes Brewery, hiking, going to McMinimims Brewery, hiking, then to Three Creeks Brewery. It was an absolutely delicious way to spend a few days.

Bend and the Sisters (mountains) reminded me of "where I spent my summers" in the foothills of the Rockies where my grandparents had a house. Or up at my (great) Aunt Jane's cabins. The air is more crisp in the Rockies but the vibe was very similar - relaxed - western - tumble weeds, horses, mountains and sunshine. I kept thinking I would love ot buy a little house out here - and be a cowgirl in Bend. Of course that would last for like 15 minutes and then I would get bored and want to be back in the city. (Maybe.)

The vacation was just what I needed before I came back to work yesterday after being off a week. I have a gazillion things to do but with a very clean apartment and mostly well rested I feel pretty sure I can tackle the weeks a head... fall fundraising campaign, an event for work, and getting derby going again.


I was in the Seattle Magazine article that came out today... click here.

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