Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And we're on a roll...

This weekend my "home" team CarnEvil, who managed to secure last place in the league again this season, went to Sacramento to play Sacred City Roller Girls. I'll be the first to admit I was concerned about this bout. I hadn't seen Sacred play in more than a year but they were a league to be reckoned with and I have to admit I thought we had a killer of bout on our hands. We got there early enough to sign paper work, buy a t-shirt, finds some good seating on the floor and watch some good derby before we played. We watched their "A" team play a WFTDA sanctioned bout against Dallas and Dallas took them apart and beat them by 70 points. At that point I became rather confident that could be our second win this year... And we did win by 50 points.

We started off strong and managed to stay together and play together as a team. There was no one who wasn't doing their job or having an "off night". We managed to stay calm, collected and together. It was rather fantastic, I have to admit - to win. I jammed a lot (as we were short a jammer in our group) and wracked up a bunch of points. But the team wasn't dependent on just one or two jammers - we are finally at a point where we have enough and are truly stronger as a team.

The whole weekend was a great time. We got in late on Friday. Saturday we had breakfast, coffee and early conversation. Some people went to "Old Sacramento" and some of us swam around in th pool, doing cannonballs or sitting in the sun reading magazines. After the bout, we all hung out together at the after party - the Sacramento gals being the greatest of hosts. We scrimmaged on Sunday and drove back in the late afternoon to catch our flight back to Seattle.

Monday wasn't nearly as productive as I had hoped it would be - though after a weekend with very little sleep, what could you expect. Four of us went up to Bombers practice after work where we scrimmaged with Rat City. I wasn't sure I wanted to scrimmage - though it's one of my favorite things about derby - because I was still beat. But it turned out to be a GREAT time and we managed to hold our own for the most part - giving us the boost of confidence we need to go to Bend and take on Lava City Roller Girls.

I think we're on a roll...

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