Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Roosters & Swimming...
I hopped onto another snowy bus this morning but couldn't stop thinking of Friday - the weather was miserable and I became obsessed with the idea if we didn't find him soon that he would become a feral cat. I emailed Lara and suggested that she call one of our friends whose currently unemployed and ask for her help and offer to pay her. Someone really needs to stop by during the day and look for him - look for this injured cat. She called her and she said she would be in the neighborhood and would look for him. She didn't find him but when Lara got in touch with the manager of the building across from us she discovered the injured cat had a home... and it wasn't Friday. And now we don't know what to do. Lara has given up home and I just don't know what else we can do. Bew.

However, when she called the pound today to hear the recording of found animals - they now had a rooster and a cockatiel. At the pound. If you're missing your's... try the animal shelter in Ballard. If you know where Friday is - let us know that too.

Today was another long day jam packed with meetings and deadlines and a board meeting in the evening to cap it off. I took the 7:45 p.m. bus home and decided I would go to Hydo Fit at 8:40 p.m. I got home in time to change and walk over to the pool. I had NO IDEA what to expect - I knew it would be a work out - but what a work out it was. And the instructor was hilarious. She had this 80's mix CD (yes, CD, not tape) and would sing parts of songs or tell stories while instructing us from the side of the pool. She was also familiar with derby (noticed my tattoo) and had been to the bout this past weekend. Unfortunately, near the end of class she slipped while trying to kick in some floaties to a swimmer and hurt her foot/ankle which she had just had surgery on. She sat in the chair and instructed the last 5 minutes.

I totally loved this class. It was completely different than lap swimming (which I love the sound of bubbles coming from my nose as I swim). And it will be good cross training for the Danskin Triathlon - which I signed up to do - again. (I didn't do it last time because of pulled hamstrings.) I am doing it with a coworker this time... we'll see if I do it this time.
*picture of Fezzy, whose missing his friend Friday, on the new orange sofa/futon.

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