Saturday, December 20, 2008


The way they're talking about the weather you would think the world is coming to an end. Or it's just really miserable out considering the entire county as 27 snow plows (I heard on the news) and at least 8 of them are dedicated to Snoqualmie Pass across the Cascades. I called a friend of mine who was out driving and she said, "The roads are fine. They're now worse than they were this morning." And the storm is going so fast that it may not snow be able to stick for long. But I don't blame Seattleites like I use to when I first moved here - I mean who wants to drive down hills that make you uncomfortable even when they're dry on a sunny day? Add a layer of ice and snow and you're playing bumper cars down the hill. Also, when you don't know how to drive on these hills in such weather, why would you? I appreciate people staying home during such weather. That leaves more room for crazy midwesterners.

It's either Jesus or the weather - one of them usually ruins December birthdays...

I was born in a blizzard in West (By God) Virginia on December 20th - 1973. To say I'm use to the snow is an understatement. I was born LOVING the snow. And I was born with it interfering with my celebrations - which is often why I don't often celebrate it. It's either the weather or Jesus and all the parties associated with Jesus and other secular holidays that you tend to skip birthdays. And I don't mind. But my friends want me to do something - which is flattering and fun - but sometimes you run into problems. Pygmy made a funny comment this morning, "You know Michelle, there are really very few snowstorms in Seattle - but oddly since you've been here, we've had one each year." Funny. Ha ha. My first party in Seattle was the "Black OUT Party" - power was out in most of the city - but we still had a party where people came. Last year I just drinks and that was fine. This year I'm throwing a dance dance party and getting a blizzard. Bew.

I have die-hard friends who plan on making it out. It will be a good time even if there are only a few of us to celebrate along with Jesus and the snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, michelle. i will always think of you and your die-hardedness that got you to the book club dressed as a light...i am sure your day will be illuminating...xo