Monday, December 22, 2008

How long you (suckers) been here, Spades, Veggie Chili

This morning as I was getting ready, my ED called an said if I could make it to work then great but if not, what couldn't wait another day (as it had waited 3 days already.) I was getting dressed - I was ready to give it a try. I wondered out to my bus stop at about 8 a.m. (I was not going to risk driving my 10-pound car into downtown Seattle only to get it stuck there.) After waiting for about 25 minutes (getting a coffee, watching cars with chains on their tires and trucks go by at a snails pace) with about 35 people, some cheery sap came by - How long have you all been waiting?! "Someone mumbled 1 hour and ten minutes... You need to let us who have been waiting the longest, have seats on the bus... grumble grumble grumble. Crabby. Crabby. Crabby." Me and a couple other people decided getting on a bus with 35 crabby people was not the best way to go to work - or to go to work at all and headed back home.

After walking to the post office, Lara (the University closed - they NEVER close) and I decided to head to The Fred. We hopped in the car and pulled out around the narrow corner of the building and promptly got stuck. With the spade (really, it was like an edging shovel) that was available by our managers apartment, we realized we weren't interested in digging out the entire drive to the street with this garden tool that you would use to plant trees. So I dug out the parking spot and we pushed the car back into it's spot. That ended that adventure.

I invited a couple of my friends whose flight had been canceled (with no chance of being rescheduled until Friday) over for veggie chili. Derika's flight to Florida was canceled and Dani couldn't get back to Detroit - which was the most upsetting. I invited them over for Jesus' birthday dinner and other things to try and cheer them up. I have many friends heading out of Seattle for family visits and warm getaways that may not be able to do so. They've canceled 70% of flights. But I have a 13-pound turkey and some great veggies dishes for anyone who needs a place to eat.

Late minute addition...

You have to read this article about salting Seattle streets - which we don't do here. You would think in a city full of such intelligent people we could come up with SOME effective solution:

1 comment:

SeLFs said...

YoU'Re a verY CreaTiVe WriTeR,
i enjoY reaDinG youR StuFF