Sunday, November 09, 2008

Post Election Blues...

I don't have them - I have plenty of other things to fill all the time I spent doing election stuff - swimming, crafty things, work, swimming, work, some derby, planning a party, work and more work. I also didn't -try - to so invested in this election because of the serious blues I had in 2004. Plus, I just find myself so happy...

However, I do have friends who have the post-election blues. The type of "blues" come with any big event for work, big events in your lift, elections are included. Some of these friends actually did a lot of work for the election and some of them were just so emotionally invested in the elections that now that they are over, they'd don't know to do next. They're sad. They're going to be early or they're finding themselves drinking more than usual (I would chalk that up to celebrating).

And even as I write this, I've spent the weekend getting caught-up on those things that have been neglected (like cleaning) and sleeping. I've taken serious naps both yesterday and today. Perhaps I have post-election blues - though I doubt it. I'm pretty damn happy right now and am ready for the next challenge...

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