Saturday, November 08, 2008

American can always be counted on to do the right thing... after they have exhausted all other possibilities." ~Winston Churchill

Today was a great, relaxing, very-much needed day. I went to swim class this morning and no one showed up in my adult swim group (our class is divided into two groups) so I essentially had a private lesson. It was great. We worked on my arms - which I don't use quite correctly, or if I do I forget to kick my legs. Somehow I've been swimming my whole life - just not that well. By the end, I was kicking, breathing (and breathing out thru my nose), and had my arms mostly correct.

The complete downpour that had welcomed in the morning, had tapered to "just raining" and by the time we left swim lessons, it was bright and sunny with big puffy clouds. Taking advantage of the great weather, Pygmy (whose in the other swim group) and I went for a coffee; strolled around up and down Phinny Ridge (we often got to hang out after swimming) soaking up some sunshine and window shopping - and of course, celebrating the election. (I have had these great dreams about great things coming and just wake up happy.)

After discovering a few new shops, we parted ways and I headed over to my P-Patch to "winterize" the plot (removing dead plants, finally pulling up the tomatoes, clearing our some weeds.) I covered half the patch with leaves which keep the sun from bleaching out the vitamins and other nutrients from the ground. I might try a couple of winter veggies. I love the P-Patch - we just lose steam for each in the fall...

I had a much needed little nap before heading to one of my favorite local shops for a "trunk show" at Laura Bee Designs. I've bought designed purses from Laura Bee and a majority of gifts for friend's birthdays or going home to Cleveland have come from there (at least for those people who would appreciate something from Laura Bee.) Though these gifts, I've exposed other people to Laura Bee and now my friends shop there too (and once-in-a-while I get a gift from there too.) They donated a gift certificate for our auction and the winner of the certificate came in an order a bag and decided to have a holiday party there for her staff (and prepaid for 13 purses) - which is great! That $50 gift certificate was stretched far - raising money for the Law Center, bringing new clients to Laura Bee and giving a boss a "cool" holiday party for her staff. That made me happy.

The rest of the night was watching Shawshank Redemption with Lara whose been home sick for a few days - which is an awesome film that I haven't seen in years. Monkey is sitting on my lap purring... what a great way to end an evening.

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