Sunday, November 23, 2008

Church of Perpetual Rollerderby...

An absolutely beautiful weekend erupted on Saturday morning after a long "dark and stormy night". (I stayed in to rest, clean, do those "homey" things.) All the mountains were visible as there wasn't a cloud in the sky - bright - sparkly and chilly! I had an early hair cut and then headed over to swim class where we got into the back stroke - which I've always enjoyed. There are so many subtleties to swimming that I didn't know, didn't learn or just didn't remember. I headed up to a noontime meeting in Everett, at the Skate Deck and then we headed over for a Carnie baby shower -in a bar. It was pretty damn fun.

Saturday night, XE and I headed to Rat City's Black and Blue Burlesque - it was awesome. There were very sexy traditional pieces; hilarious "skits"; unique, clever and creative ones. I was laughing so hard at some of the performances that I literally had tears in my eyes. It was a great show, very artful and entertaining and from what I understand a journey for so many gals to be able to do this - and to see themselves as sexy and beautiful (which of course they were.) I went to a dance, dance party afterwards for a bit but headed home for yet another long, action packed Sunday.

And it was another beautiful, cold Sunday. I got up early in the morning to attend my "church of perpetual roller derby" by skating with some Carnies and others. At one point I thought, My Sunday morning worship includes 8 wheels, sweating, knocking each other around, and having a good time. But I also realized my whole weekend was perpetual roller derby - and not just Sunday. It's kind of your whole life.

Inspired by the bright sunny day, I caught a ride with Glitter to the Ballard Farmers Market where I bought some "cool veggies" like lettuce and some carrots that far more successful than any of my attempts. I also stopped by at JoAnn's - with an intention to make a fun holiday skirt for me (and one for Glitter) for her holiday party. I also picked up some knitting needles in a size I didn't seem to have to try to get back in the "habit" of knitting. I took a nap, like a cat in the sun, before heading out to cross training with the Pink Pistols (also known as "Molly is going to kick your ass" sessions.) I had dinner with a couple of friends and am off to yet another action packed week - but thankfully a much shorter one. And I can't wait. I can't wait to do some crafty things, eat yummy food and relax.

It was a great weekend - I forgot about the crappy week that had happened. I forgot about the miserable economy that seems brewed in my coffee pot each morning. It was all about "perpetual derby" and great friends.

An aside - I wish I had the capacity for bioluminescence. Wouldn't that be neat?

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