Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why I don't listen to public radio...

I left work pretty upbeat. I mean there are a thousand things to do and the sour economy isn't making my fundraising job fun or easy but I got a lot done and was heading off pretty satisfied. I got picked up and while driving home the radio blare on and on about the auto-industry bail-out which just set me off because I'm completely against it (why don't we extend unemployment benefits for my 15 unemployeed friends and the million others before we go giving out giant blank checks to an industry that ignored its own trends and fought the government on every since regulation - but I'm not in the mood to go into it.) So that got me riled up - which lead to me to call my friend Karen to make sure I wasn't completely irrational (she confirmed that I am not) and then I talked to her husband which just reminded me of the other thinks that are ALSO frustrating... and my older, very conservative brother called me and couldn't believe I was against it (but he didn't quite agree on my reasons he was still surprised) - I guess we can all have something in common.

And now my hard working day has turned into a completely frustrating day - that's what I get for listening to public radio.

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