Monday, October 20, 2008

When are you coming back to Africa?

Was the question I got today at lunch time when talking to a former Peace Corps volunteer who was now works for the International Partnership for Microbicides and wanted to involve our CAB (community advisory board) in a local trail. Microbicides fascinate me ( I think for once the movement is actually thinking ahead and is working on a vehicle for the product, event if they don't have the product ready. They are taking into consideration women, poverty, access to health care, everything. So I am a fan. And Andy, from the IPM, appreciated my enthusiasm. We also shared many stories about Peace Corps (he served right next door in Guinea and had a Fulbright in Abidjan), being on the "special list" for the airlines, and travel in general. At the end of our meeting, he asked me "so, when are you coming back to Africa?" Yeah. I'm working on it. I just have to take care a few things here first.

Today was a long day at work - Mondays generally are. I was still (and am) disappointed in the game this weekend. I earned the title "bad girl of the game" for all of my penalties. And it just isn't a great feeling. I'm never in the box that much and it made for a rough game - especially when you have only three jammers (you can't jam when you're in the box). So I was feeling bummer about that, trying to get everything done so I can help out with my work event this weekend and had a four hour shift at the Obama campaign after work.

Volunteering was fine (part of "those things I need to change here"). When I got home, I found pieces of legitimate mail - a Halloween card from Rebecca and kids - I love Halloween with Gabriel! (I never got to go with the girls.) And a fabulous surprise from Honey.

What a nice way to end a long Monday.

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