Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fat girls in skinny jeans not allowed in the short stall...

Is one of the ridiculous conversations I had this weekend. It was part of a late night conversation with a gaggle of roller girls on the Southward Ferry heading back to West Seattle. Other conversations included "crazy carrot lady" and getting accosted in the women's bathroom by a drunk middle aged woman. We had a bout this weekend in Port Orchard. The teams were combos from all four of our league's teams. (Our season was technically over and we were spent but enough of us came together to form two hodgepodge team - I was part of the Evil Honeys.) They were both really tight games - total nail biters! With a minute and a half left, I found myself on the jammer line, down by 3 points. I looked over at Audrey playing B3 and sighed - I've found myself in this position 4 too many times this year. It makes for a great game - don't get me wrong - but it makes for a tiring season. (Plus, I would have preferred to win all of them!) The Evil Honeys couldn't pull it off and ended up losing by 3 points. But the ferry ride home was the most fun - and since I was the sober one (bad cold).

One of the skaters crashed on the coach (5 of us had carpooled together with her car) and I laid down at almost 2 a.m. glad to done with our "first official season" but disappointed in how the game ended that night. And it sat with me the rest of the night.

I volunteered at the Obama campaign today. The three hours I was there was totally worth it in that I got two new Americans organized enough to register to vote. They had missed the deadline but some of our canvassers had told them we would help them out and I was the person who helped with that.

I went home for a little cat nap (still have a nasty cold). Then it was off to bowling with the Carnies - as opposed to practice. We had a great time! It was super chill. I managed to take some of my Wii bowling skills and apply them to the real game. There were some suprise winner but it was just fun - eating greasy food and having a beer. We had birthday brownies (for a skater who didn't show up) and the team gave me a card and a very generous gift certificate (for tattoo!) as a thank you for the two seasons of being a captain. It was very sweet. It was totally unexpected and it was the best way to end the season - bowling and drinking beer with my team.

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