Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shattered glass across the sky...

... what the late night sky looks like at Heart of the Hills campground in the Olympic National Forest this weekend - so many stars that you can't discern the constellations that usually litter the night sky. We stood there just looking at the stars - Weedy, Lara and I - while John tended the fires. It was a beautiful weekend to get away from the stress of work and all the other things line life (the economy, election, etc.) and just be. As Weedy stated "you don't feel like the Apocalypse is near..." which is true (though I don't often feel like the Apocalypse is near - or at least very near.)

It was a perfect weekend - sunny and warm - no rain though the forecast had predicted a chance of it. We went to Hurricane Ridge and camped in Heart of the Hills on Friday night after work. The kindle wood didn't start (because of the starter chemicals) and we finally had a last S'more snack. We got up a little later on Saturday - awoken by the Boy Scout troupe - particularly Jordan and Andy who had to make their voices clearly heard. We had a late breakfast and hiked around the top of Hurricane Ridge in the bright sunshine and watched some thick clouds roll in - had a late lunch in Port Angeles at an "Asian Bistro" and then headed to Salt Creek for low tide... there were no sea stars though there were anemone, crabs (of all sizes), sea weeds, barnacles, mussels and clams. We didn't see many fish though a bunch of different birds.

Sunday morning we packed up, ate breakfast and were the reluctant creatures heading back to our "normal lives." There was plenty of coffee and relaxing before it was time to leave as the gray jays were waiting for us so they could dive in an clean up our camp site (though they were disappointed as we were very clean campers.) It was a great weekend to get away.

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