Sunday, July 20, 2008


My leg had been bothering me since the last bout - enough so that I would wake up at night with a dull throbbing ache. I had taken out the Honey jammer, ReAnimator, by smashing her into the Honey blocker, Ta Ta. And we all went tumbling down. It felt like 20 wheels crashed in to my shins and calf, tightening up my leg though mildly effecting the performance of my game. But I had no proof of the injury, just hidden bruises and pain that woke me up at night - almost every night. And then one of the three visible bruises below my ankle move to the front/top of my foot and someone at work reminded me that compression (or better yet - R.I.C.E.) would help. Of course! I knew that. And proceeded to purchase an ace bandage for my leg and a foot wrap that was to give "mild" (read: holy crap that's tight) compression. After a short time, like rain in the desert, the bruises hiding below the surface bloomed. And there are about 10 wheel marks from my ankle up to my knee (around the front that you can't see from the picture above) ...from that first hit, in the first jam of the bout.

Besides a discovering series of bruises, it's been a lovely weekend: helped a friend move, went to a Rat City bout, went to a 50th birthday party, had BBQ and kickball with my team, skated outside, went to the Farmers Market, ate a lot of fruit and other tasty delights.

And other things bloomed this week besides bruises... flowers in my garden too!

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