Friday, January 04, 2008


Hurricane like winds are sweeping up from California tonight - dumping snow in the mountains and knocking out power lines and trees in the cities. 60-80 mph winds - for all of the things the Pacific Northwest is known for, like rain and serial killer, these insane windstorms are one of those things people don't tell you about. Sitting on the couch, having had dinner at my friends' house, the Christmas lights on the balcony swing but not nearly as violently as the trees.

Of change, is what the Obama campaign is riding on. My father, who was Goldwater Republican in his youth (according to his cousin but I never verified it with my Dad), though these days doesn't tell anyone who he votes for, called me to ask me my opinion about Obama's victory speech. I had been an early supporter (like in 2004-2005) but had backed off all politics recently. I called him back in the morning and said I had been at practice and had not heard his speech. He said "He is such an orator. He's like Reagan. He made my face muscles do things a politician hadn't invoked in ages." He wasn't the only one who was so excited about the hope and optimism Obama elicited. He's a windmill and the people are the wind - to many he's the wind of change.

Look what the cat blew in... after 6 years, half of my working career in development, I'm leaving Planned Parenthood for a Director of Development job with a the Northwest Women's Law Center. I said I wouldn't leave Planned Parenthood for just any job or any organization. (It's been too much of a part of my identity!) And it turns out I'm not leaving the movement but just moving down the street to another house in the neighborhood. I'll still be working to make sure that women have a better place at the table because we're fooling ourselves to think that it's equal. I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Hoo Rah....I like the sound of your name with "director" as the appositive. Congratulations on the move. You are synonymous with "change" from all kinds of windy directions, and each one inspires all who know you to consider more of the same in our own lives.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the job change! We can be legal beagles together now!
