Sunday, July 08, 2007

You should be dancin' - Yeah!

Saturday night after a BBQ with my team, a group of derby gals, with a at least one other thing in common, went out dancing. It was Juice - world music themed - benefiting Darfur at the Baltic Room. It started off a bit slow with the DJ just not quite spinning the right combination and only a few people on the floor willing to brave what came next. The crowd kept coming and eventually a new DJ took the table and I found myself dancing to samba mixed with hip-hop, electronica with a touch of Middle East pop, crowds of people mashed on the dance floor and it was hot - but so much fun - to be out dancin! I loved it and I missed it. In a conversation on my way out close to 1 a.m. a guy said to me when I explained that Juice happened once a month - You only come out once a month? - which I would like to have said - no - I come out every weekend. But I can't quit say that just yet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your "yet" is most people's "never!"