Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Burnt Grass, Burnt triathalons

The lawns around Seattle have faded to brown, as they do every summer. The great thing about Seattle is the lawns die and come back later - it turns out most lawn die and come back. I'm glad to live in a city whose residents' priorities do no include watering lawns - because it's HOT. Hot for Seattle seeing that it's going to reach a whopping 90 degrees tomorrow. Not Midwest hot but definitely Seattle hot.

And in the heat of the summer, drinks after work (when not at practice), sunsets at Golden Gardens, roller skating outside, walks around Greenlake, and the occasional work meeting, I've done nothing for my triathlon training except run after skating practice. With 6 weeks left, a trip to Boston and Vegas and a hundred other things that are far more interesting to do (like read the new Harry Potter book!), the triathlon has become a donation to breast cancer. It wasn't a lifetime goal and I don't like doing things half-assed. I don't feel bad for bailing on it - I'll do it next year when I actually make it a priority - or not. Like the lawns.

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