Monday, July 16, 2007

Flying Fez, flying flags...

I won the bet with myself - Fez was the first one to fall off the balcony. I came home from practice last night and was on the phone when Fez jump onto the balcony from somewhere - but where? I watched him for a minute and then he jumped off the balcony onto the window ledge of one of my kitchen windows. Of course Fez found a way to get further and higher - that's his nature. I called his name, he jumped back onto the balcony but because he was thrilled and crazy (like cats are) he turned and jumped right back to the ledge, did a triple pirouette (show off) but misjudged his landing and feel off the ledge, three floors, into the bushes below. I got off the phone and went running downstairs where I met my neighbors below (we just saw a cat fall from the sky). He was poofy tailed and shaken but mostly disappointed in his landing. Friday and Monkey came to the edge of the balcony and meowed to him below as he cried and cried... most likely because of his damaged pride.

We need an American flag for our bout this weekend and I just happen to have one - the one used at my grandfather's funeral, folded nicely in a triangle, collecting dust on top of my bookshelf. It's a very nice flag, well made, thick and it means a lot to me because my grandfather meant a lot to me. He served in WWII - 5 years - two campaigns. He was part of intelligence (and if you heard his stories, he was sometimes the only intelligent one.) Played pranks on his buddies, got in trouble with everyone, had something to do with the liberation of Buchenwald, was part of the Battle of the Bulge, had a thousand stories and could make me laugh harder than any other person I've ever known. I wrote an award (small award) winning play about him. He was the best. And I have his flag. And I'm thinking he would LOVE it if I used it during our roller derby bout for the national anthem...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pride seems to be present in your cats as well as of your grandfather. Keep the stories of 4th walls, falling from walls, and folded flags cha' glad you're makin' an old lady in ohio's woods happy?