Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dinner, wedding and other things...

I made a turkey dinner on Christmas Day. I must have run to the Safeway grocery store 3 separate times forgetting yet one more thing. First I didn't have broth for the gravy, then I didn't have a meat thermometer, then I didn't have cranberries - and neither did most of the country for that matter for there apparently was a cranberry shortage. I was so excited to make turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, stuffing - the works. I didn't have any leftovers from Thanksgiving and had been craving some good leftover turkey. Mmmmm. I took everything over to Heidi and Jon's where we exchanges gifts and another orphan friend, Lara, joined us for dinner and a couple of games of Balderdash.

Having forgotten to mention that I went to a wedding on Saturday - yes - back to my old hobbies of going to weddings. Jen and Ethan are skater friends with a theatre background. Their ceremony was short and sweet with swing dancing to top off the night.

All and all, I would say it was a very lovely Christmas. Thank You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are definitely the cutest and most grateful santa-by-the-shore I have ever seen.