Sunday, December 24, 2006


Today Lara and I went downtown to help out at Operation Sack Lunch which serves 3 meals a day, seven days a week. It wasn't until I saw the third person dressed in a Seahawks jersey did I realize there was a game today, in Seattle, which just made parking a bit difficult. I figured we were going to do the typical volunteer work - like peel ten pounds of potatoes or wash dishes. We ended up ironing mismatched table clothes only to be told that one of the church ladies was bringing table clothes and center pieces. So we folded them nicely for tomorrow's meal, set the tables and went to help a young college student from Olympia cut cucumbers and carrots for the salad. They were serving quite a feast at Operation Sack Lunch - green beans (fresh), salad, fruit, mashed potatoes, and turkey. We broke down cardboard boxes which pretty much exhausted our tasks - most the tasks because the church group that was suppose to number 3-5 numbered 30 and there was more people than projects. After a couple of hours and an invitation to join them on New Year's day, we headed out into the rain and to the grocery store to get some of our own turkey so that I could make turkey for a couple of my friends who didn't find themselves home for the holidays. . .Tonight we'll be out being festive at other friends' homes.

One of the funniest things at Operation Sack Lunch was the nativity scene. It had Mary, Joseph, a couple camels, the Wisemen and of course, Frosty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Banshees across the globe to remind one another what Frosty surely for today, as a puddle is the future for us happy everything to all...the peanuts sure are cute in those hats...thanks for spreading clothes and carrots for those in need....