Thursday, April 27, 2006

Those People...

There are those people you meet and a freight train couldn't have stopped your conversation (only if it ran one of you over). I went out with Amira, the belly dancer whose class I had taken earlier in the year for a drink after her one of her classes that I popped into... We traveled the world with our love of things Middle Eastern; our travels, our understand of how we're really all the same in the world - we want our children to succeed and someone to take care of our parents; we talked about how people living on a rich island have similiar problems to people other places; we chatted of belly dance, samba, speaking different languages, writing plays, the new Sergio Mendes/Black Eye Peas CD and how incredible it is, art, working for government, nonprofits and politics.

We talked about Dahab where my friends and I had visit on our way home from Peace Corps. (Pygmy called me when it the bombing had occurred and we talked about what a tragedy, not that they all aren’t, that is was. Dahab with the Greek families we met; Adam and Habib who worked at the hostel we stayed at – Dahab the place of dirty hippies and backpackers – oh just leave them alone! (I guess there’s a five star Hilton there now but there wasn’t then)). We were sad for Dahab. We talked about creating community; we talked about Bouake in the Ivory Coast where she had visited her cousins years before I was there in the Peace Corps. We talked about the market; we talked about how every place in the world there is something you are giving to compensate for the fact that the vender doesn't have change - in Bouake they gave you a 5 cent piece of candy. In the Ukrane it was gum, in Togo it's extra peanutbutter. We talked about how being a brunette worked better in some instances than being a blond (she’s a blond but has gradually become a brunette and how things have changed.) We talked of civilizations and really, what the hell happened.

How things have changed – how they’ve stayed the same.

It was wonderful. She said it was like meeting someone made of the same fabric, sharing similar experiences and you had been split in two – having so many things in common and sharing them at such different times. It was one of those evenings you go home celebrating.

And she’s a Seattleite to boot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember you referring to your body doubles in Cleveland in one missive ("they know who they are" kinda' thing.).

Me thinks you find yours all over the world, because you have so much within you, the possibility of more you's is...more...than for me's!

Congrats on the discovery...happy Spring. I just returned from Washington, DC, and The Days of Remembrance...