Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Love on the bus, drunks on the bus, I'm on the bus

So yesterday there was something like teen agnst on the bus that probably passed for love, it went something like this:
Girl: They'll never love you. I mean why are you putting up with this crap. They don't care if you success and I bet you, I bet you not a single person on this bus has as disfunctional of a family as you do and put up with it. (boy just looking at the ground). You have to be the smartest guy I know. And I'm smart but I've learned so much from you. You are so smart. And I believe in you. Screw them. I believe in you.

Today, I took four busses to get home. (I experienced my first less-than-enthusiastic bus driver today.) I took two to my new community where I purchased new plates and tags at the closest DMV ($205 - yeah, I'll get to that one another time), then two more busses to get back to Pgy's. At my bus stop heading north, a group of 4 older "well sauced" folks got on the bus. They were loud, trying to start fights with each other. One of the guys was babbling at the bus driver that he was too drunk to drive home (clearly). The body language of the entire bus changed.

Drunk people on the bus (and I've been one, once) ssssshhhhh.


Anonymous said...

you so smart and so much fun. i lernt a lot from you. thanks.

Michelle said...

You're funny!