Monday, January 02, 2006

An eclectic group and a new place to live.

I write with complete skepticism about the place I found to live today until I actually have the keys in hand but I thought maybe I could reveal a couple of details, a little bit of information. When I have the keys in hand, I will tell you all about it! I'm not superstitious - just maybe a little.

Yucky, very rainy Monday.
My favorite cupcake shop/coffee shop in Ballard looking at Craig's list, calling places where no one was calling me back (off today) and just generally feeling a little defeated about the whole thing.
My cats.
Walking around Ballard trying not to get too mopy in the rain.
Nanci says "It will work out - it always does."
Passed a cute place...passed another that looked completely too expensive, etc.

Found an apartment with a 60's facade on the front, looking a wee bit cheesy.
Got to see it and it turns out it's cheap compared to Seattle standards.
Cats are ok.
There's an 80 year old lady on one corner.
Migrant workers upstairs.
Young couple and someone else who just moved in.
Perfectly eclectic group of people.
Hardwood floors.
Pink tiles in the kitchen.
Yellow tiles in the bathroom.

I'll fit right in.

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