Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Granola Crunchy Grapefruit...

So when I was getting ready to leave Cleveland, I was having a debate with some of my friends about "How Granola Crunchy does one become when they move to Seattle?" Of course then that lead to a conversation about "what constitutes Granola Crunchy? (and it's not, not showering.)" So my debate was how Crunchy would I become - how environmental, how healthily, how socially conscious, etc. Ok, honestly, it's not that far of a stretch. I'm eat very well; I lucked out and got a free two week membership to Gold's Gym (where Pyg goes) from the local grocery store so I've been working out; I take the bus; I'm looking for an organization with whom to volunteer; I bought organic shampoo; blah, blah, blah. I'm already pretty close.

Granola with Carp
But one thing that I'm trying to figure out is how a Seattlite, like a true Midwestern, goes out after work for a beer with colleagues or new friends. (It appears many people go home to their neighborhoods and hang out there as opposed to hanging out in a locale close to their work.) I know this isn't exclusive to the Midwest, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with long commutes and such. (Ok, it's only week two, maybe I'll have it figured out by next week.)

Granola with Grapefruit
So after going to the gym, I went to the grocery store to get some more salad (see above) and grapefruits. It's grapefruit season and I LOVE grapefruits. I picked out three that seemed nice and juicy and went to the check out. The woman presented my total and I looked at the register. The grapefruits were $1.29 each. I told her I thought they were that price per pound. It's winter - it's grapefruit season! They're supposed to be 4/$1.00 or something close to that. So I went to another store and they were $1.79 each. I went home without grapefruit. I went home a little confused - California, Mexico, where are the grapefruit on the west coast?

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