Sunday, October 05, 2014


Last night we welcomed Julie in to the 40's club with a surprise party that she was in no way expecting.  It was really just the most appropriate people and the right amount of delicious and unique beers. It was just the right amount of surprise - total surprise.  Her friends were astonished that they pulled it off. The dregs of party carried on into the wee hours of the morning.  Welcome to your 40s.  It's going to be an awesome trip.  You are going to be so loved.

Weedy came in from Boston just for the weekend to go to her friends and former teammate's wedding.  She had a great time and fulfilled her role as the "all night dancer" and connecting with people she hasn't seen for a long time and making new friends - which weddings are great at facilitating.   

Andrew came out to Julie's party, laughing and making jokes, enjoying the evening party in the safety of friends who know and love, at least once stepping away to be sad.  Andrew ushered in his 40th birthday two weeks away.  Two weeks ago his husband and partner of 10 years died. The night of his birthday celebration - also filled with just the right people and fantastic brews, Jim died.  There was a moment at Julie's party when Lara looked at me with a tear in the corner of her eye -  knowing that Andrew was loved and would be ok.  Not today or tomorrow but that he would eventually.

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