Monday, September 07, 2009

Laborless weekend!

This weekend was a perfectly relaxed weekend! I couldn't have asked for a better way to kick off the fall. I had some friends come up from Portland on Friday. I had met these gals when a few skaters from my league went down to play Portland's Guns and Rollers in a Friday night fundraiser (which Shannon from Cleveland go to see.) Kathryn and Cher were great hosts and we were delighted to host them. Mona, Arson, Indy, Maudy, Shovey and I all met them out for drinks from the Chapel. We then headed to Hales Brewery in Ballard for more tasty beverages and dinner then back to my place for more drinks. It was fun to be making new friends. The new morning we all went out for brunch and Bloody Mary's (not myself, do not like tomato juice.) They then headed off to Vancouver for the rest of the weekend and I went home to nurse a hangover headache. The rest of the day was spent running errands, watching tennis and enjoying a very lazy Saturday.

Sunday's rain was discouraging but not completely. Lara and I grabbed umbrellas, jumped in the car and headed to the Farmer's Market. Grabbing coffee at Nervous Nellie's proved to be fruitful for during that time the sun broke thru and the rain ceased long enough to run our and grab some fresh fruits and veggies at the market. We ran into Comet and her sister and Pygmy. Pygmy was on her way to the gym and we made plans to have dinner at a new French restaurant in Ballard. Fast forward through hydrofit and a nap, Pygmy and I headed out, like 1,000 other people, to grab dinner in Ballard. Everywhere was packed (the rain keeping people from camping, the economy keeping people from going far.) We ended up at Hatties Hat, an old haunt, a local restaurant and a place that Pygmy and I had spent plenty of time. There was hardly anyone there but by the time we left the place was packed (including 15 Rat City Rollergirls whose new practice space is literally just behind Hatties.) We grabbed Lara and headed over to see District 9 - which turned out to be a pretty damn good film.

Today was breakfast with Megan and some others to talk about a joint fundraiser (between CarnEvil and Grave Danger) and talk about our plans to go to France next year for Megan's 40th birthday. Arson and I went on a hike through Discovery Park that was now opened because they had caught the cougar that had been spotted in the neighborhood (they freed him in the mountains late yesterday). Another nap, another movie (Finding Nemo) and I'm ready to call it a "Great Weekend" and turn in for the night. However, I have practice - so I guess I can't call it completely laborless...
*potatoes from the Ballard Farmer's Market...

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