Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Inspiring your dad...

I spent an hour trying to change the spark plugs in a drizzly, poorly lit parking lot behind my apartment. Of course, I should say it like it is - Lara did most of the work - I ran around getting tools, trying to loosen the spark plugs and calling my dad when we couldn't get a single one out. It was ridiculous! My father when over the "Lefty Loosey, Right Tighty" (duh) and then we chatted some more after we gave up. So with a pocket full of inspiration or more like, these things don't rust! It can't be rusted in! (The crunching sound we heard was not the bult pulling away from the rust, but the ceramic spark plug top breaking off. That's how tightly screwed in they were.) It's got to come out!

And eventually they did...though it took an hour. And with a bunch of additional calls to my father with other thoughts and advice (some asshole who changed them last tightened them too tight. There is no reason it should take two people to take out a spark plug. - dads words.) After two handed pulls (and we're talking roller girls here) the spark plugs eventually came loose and were changed. The horrible (rather violent) idling problem seemed to be solved. And my father, after all those calls after midnight, said he was proud of his daughter - because she was changing her own spark plugs. That made me laugh. I'm gald it didn't take too much.

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