Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Heading into another short week - I went to work Monday exhausted from a long weekend that included a team garage sale, hosting a birthday BBQ for Louise at Golden Gardens, and the Pride Parade on Sunday.  It was a wonderful weekend that wore me down to the bone.  And then I went into work ready to pound out 4 days of serious work when the server went down.  I cleaned my desk, read a couple of articles and then we all went home while the consultant worked on it.  Turns out the server was DEAD - completely and utterly dead.  The "mother board" called it quits. There was nothing to be done but to order another server - of course the week of a national holiday.  (Once again, one of my lazy habits of saving files to the desktop, saved me some time as I could salvage some work as we were going to be down for more than a week.)

I saved these random files to my portable hard drive, made a plan with my coworker who said "I wonder what it looks like for you to walk into my office over IM?", made some plans with my boss to do as much as possible and headed home.  Of course, the Mac at home didn't talk to the portable hard drive - so I couldn't do anything from home.  Today, I headed back to work - with my Clearwire and printer in hand to create a pseudo office.  But I couldn't get the printer to work.  It was a long day - where everything took twice as long to do everything.  Janet swung by and we decided to go have lunch at McCormick & Schmidt's on South Lake Union.  The food was OK but the sunshine and company is what made my day.

It's blurry - trying to work from home - with limited technology.  I am going to take off in the morning to go on a hike with Weedy.  I'm going to sit and work on a mailing tonight.   And finish up some spreadsheets over the weekend.  Working from home.  It gets blurry.

1 comment:

Gus Mueller said...

You guys should check out backblaze - I use it for all my computers (Including Molly's portable):
