Monday, March 02, 2009

Monkey outside, My Wii President

At 8 a.m. on Sunday morning, Janis woke up (all of us had rolled in at 3 a.m. after going to out to a bar where Lara was DJing all night) with "OMG, the front door is open. Where are all the cats?" I scrambled out of bed, pulled on jeans and ran out the door to look for the kitties who appeared to not be in the house. I walked all the way down the stairs with the thoughts of starting at the bottom and working my way up. As soon as I opened the outside door, there was Monkey, curled up by the storage units. She looked up at me and meowed. I dropped her off in the house (where upon she immediately became skittish cat and acted like she didn't know where she was.) All three of us were outside calling Fezzi's name when we found out that he had actually been in the apartment the whole time. What a way to wake up.

Tonight the Wii Fit was turned back on again. I haven't played in forever (though I managed to get the highest score in the slalom and not do so bad on the fish game). I totally forgot about all of the Wii characters that have been created - friends - made up people - Maya, J Friday, Pablo, Juan (he's great a tennis), Hildagaarde (she's the general character), Joolee (Lara's friend), Lizzy (another friend), even President Obama is part of my Wii community. And to be perfectly honest, I bet you our president actually knows how to play Wii. He was out drinking a beer at an NBA game last night. He shoots hoops in his spare time. He has two daughters. He's got one finger on the pulse of the country. I bet you President Obama plays Wii... if he has time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like your new layout...clean and sleek and zippy...I hope Obama plays a lot of whatever he wants to play...maybe, he roller blades.