Friday, February 27, 2009

You're guaranteed to give blood, pay taxes and die....

... was what my dad use to say to me growing up. Or at least he said it to me once and I remembered it. I only bring it up today as some of us are sitting around, playing a very, very silly Wii game and talking about beer. We're a crowd of delicious beer drinkin' Friday gals, enjoying the fine selection from Ballard Market when a friend in from San Fran lamented, "I love death and taxes" - which reminded me of what my father said - at least once.

I did give blood (it gets complicated any time you're in Africa for more than 10 days and get tattoos), I pay my taxes and inevitably one day I will kick it. (Today is not that day.) I did get a root canal though. I think I was more nervous than it was worth and was teary-eyed as soon as I walked in the door. It took an hour to numb my mouth and 12 minutes to actually clean the canal where the nerve ending was and fill it will a root canal filler. The sharp pain in my chin surprised me (because the roots go down into the bones of your face.) It's amazing how everything is interconnected. And really, it's hard to believe it's all about giving blood, paying taxes and kicking it. Surely someone forgot to mention root canals...

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