Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day!

So at our staff meeting today, the Executive Director said, "We are supposed to have a really snowy night and if it's too bad - we can close the office tomorrow. I want you all to be safe." There was a pause, and then people chimed in, "Oh, I can walk to work.... I have too much to do. I can walk too... as long as the buses are running..." I looked at one of the attorneys across the table and laughed, "We're being offered a snow day and here we are trying to come into work." It was hilarious. Of course, by the end of the day I didn't want there to be work. I would LOVE to have a snow day. So much snow that we have to close the offices and conference call in our meeting... so far there's not a flake falling from the sky. It looks like I'll be going in anyway.

Jet City to change their tryouts from tomorrow night to tonight (and swapping a practice) in anticipation of this terrible storm so I got an unexpected night off! I thought of going to a swim class but instead made dinner, vacuum and watched the "Biggest Looser" - which I really like. (I'm a sap for people changing their lives and taking control of something that often times makes them feel so bad. Plus, as a moderate exercise junkie, I totally understand how great it is to exercise and feel better about yourself.) I'm writing some holidays cards, hanging out with kitties and just having an "anticipated snow night".

So the day will start ok, with freezing rain and snow by the afternoon. It sounds like fun times. I'm looking forward to a snow day... eventually.

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