Monday, December 15, 2008

Falling off the band wagon....

It's not even "the holidays" yet and I fell off the band wagon lately - I hadn't been to swimming in almost two weeks; I had been eating out a lot because of holiday parties, out of town guests, surprise visits, a late night stresser, a "tasty beverage", left over holiday cookies, Santa Skate, whatever. And then your sugar and salt consumption raises and all you want is sugar and salt and you find yourself not eating your packed lunch but going out for Thai foods - when you have a perfectly good salad that you just packed that morning in the fridge. And you feel it. Blah. Slow, tired, sugar crashing.

So today, I pulled my body out of the mire of "holiday sloth and other yuck" and climbed back on the "I need to eat healthy and treat my body well" wagon. I ate my delicious homemade salad and had a cup of ginger, carrot soup. I made turkey tacos at home tonight and joined Heidi for a swim (after I bossed her into it- she didn't want to go out into the cold. Yes,even Midwesterners think it's cold. When you move to Seattle, you trade in 10 sweaters for a guitar and a recycle bin.) We did go out for a beer afterwards - which is what we do - but it was ok. It was only one - and some humas. I hope I can hang on for a little while - it definitely helps you get thru the holidays.

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