Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finally a snow day!

It was like a snow globe outside my window this morning when I got a call from work saying that we shouldn't be coming in. I let out a cheer and crawled back into bed! Pygmy called me for she wasn't going to work and I made plans to meet up with her later. I eventually got up late - I SO needed today. I needed a day of no plans and nothing to do. No time to fill it up crammed packed. No one expecting me anywhere. Just to relax. And that's all I did. I relaxed. I went out to lunch with Lara and took a stroll around a VERY snowy Ballard. Roads were closed. Sock stores were open. It was a beautiful day. Cold, snowy and nowhere to be. We canceled practice because the roads were so icy and everywhere in the Puget Sound region you need to go up or down a hill to get out of your community. Ballard is pretty even where I live but go more than 500 feet from my apartment and you have steep hills up towards Phinney Ridge or a gradual hill down into the city of Seattle - a killer hill down towards 99 to get to any freeway. And you know, there's like 3 plows in the entire county that aren't working on the pass over the Cascades...
It took Mona 3 hours to go about 3 miles to work this morning. Another friend of mine is stuck at the drug store she works at because it's at the top of a VERY steep hill in Magnolia. (I hate driving this hill on a perfectly clear summer day.) She's most likely going to spend the night at a co-workers house because the buses can't get there and she has to be back at 8:30 a.m. (and it took her about 2.5 hours to get to work this morning.) Yikes.
I had dinner with Pygmy, Jon, Lucie and Lara. Lucie opened some "little people" toys that she wanted. We ate pizza and drank some beers. Heading home, it's COLD - 25 degrees and windy, with ice covered roads. (Ballard got 6" or so, Arlington - 25miles north - got 2'.) Driving at 10 mphs, I was thrilled. And even more thrilled that I was told was told that there would be not work tomorrow too! Two snow days in a row! I'm so excited. How much fun is this?!

photo - a "road closed sign" leading up 65th towards Phinney Ridge...

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