Sunday, November 30, 2008

So Happy, Getting Smacked Around, the Holiday ends...

These past 4 days have been excellent - so much needed rest and relaxation. It takes like two days just to relax and not think about work and the other million things we have going on and actually relax. The you spend Saturday in love with life and not thinking of the petty crap (helps to see a movie like Milk) - Sunday you're back in the saddle and even if you're not ready - you're looking towards Monday. Monday. Monday. But right now, we're not quite there yet.

Today, just to get ready for the rest of the week - I went to Wrecked League practice. This is a "rec" league but joke that they are "wrecked" - too injured, too old, too done to continue derby. That, of course, is not the case at all. They're a great group of gals who just want to play - not scrimmage hard enough to hurt anyone and when the jammer is too tired or wants to call it off (since we only have one time keep) they cry "uncle". It's pretty fun but you do get to work on some of the things you're trying to change or fix and it's pretty easy going for skaters coming back from an injury - or in my case - creating them. I got this nasty bruise/wheel burn while doing a warm up drill - I kicked myself. Yes it hurt.

There's some work to be done for work - there is another scrimmage to go to tonight - there is an apartment to clean up before heading into the next week. But there is also a nap to be taken and a turkey breast to be eaten. It's still Sunday.

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