Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monkey, Sushi & Milk...

My cat Monkey is highly entertaining on a thousand levels. She's sees a dot on the wall and she watches it forever and will go back to it. Anything circular, it's hers to play with from bobbins to milk rings. Lately she's cracked me up because she watches TV and it's pretty hilarious. She's a big fan of the Discovery Channel - whether it is a nature show or Myth Busters. Once she jumped off my lap to get a better view of the sharks on TV. It kind of cracks me up. The other two cats aren't that interested in television and she'll sit there and watch it for an hour. I should probably start limiting her television watching.

Since moving to Seattle, I've fallen for sushi. I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan at first and it had nothing to do with raw fish or anything like that - it more had to do with exposure. I only ever ate at one place in Cleveland Heights and only on special occasions. I ate pretty typical affair. I would get store bought sushi once-in-a-while and believe it or not, Safeway had their own sushi chiefs and it was pretty good. And then I had friends who LOVED sushi start taking me to their favorite places and I became expose to the Dragon Roll, Spider Roll, Black Cod, and a million individual pieces that I can't even name - that I now love sushi. I love going out for sushi (though you have to budget for it) and I've eaten it twice over this Turkey Turkey holiday. Yum.

Last night, Katie, Lara and I went to see Milk - the new film about Harvey Milk. I knew about Harvey Milk - very minimally. I knew he had been the first openly gay elected politician and I knew that he, and a very progressive mayor, were assassinated. The film was great - as both an educational piece, a social justice piece and just completely frustrating. I was frustrating to know that we're still fighting for the same things we were fighting for 30 years ago. It's still the gay community vs. the conservative religious communities. That part was maddening. And just makes you feel like we still have so far to go. Still. Damn it. But he was a pretty charismatic guy who unified a community and in a very short period of time fought an incredible battle and gave more legitimacy to a movement. It was a good film. And it required beers afterward. And humility. Really, when I find myself getting completely frustrated about derby, work, relationships, volunteering - whatever - keep in mind that there are bigger fights out there. Much bigger ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hells Yes, So Sushi is on our agenda if and when you find yourself back here, in this half a horse town.
Sushi builds strong bones! xoxo