Monday, October 13, 2008

Perhaps that evokes peace and tranquility. I had two very disturbing dreams last night. Someone in my office said that I have the craziest dreams - but I don't so. I just happen to remember my dreams which is what differentiates me from many other people - the remembering part.

One dream was about getting "laid off" from a job which I really knew I was being fired for being a whistle blower for something. (This stemmed from two stresses - another friend was recently laid off and I just read an article about a whistle blower getting compensation for being illegally fired.) I created some kind of trouble I'm sure. I am a trouble maker on many levels and I wasn't surprised but wanted to make sure the world knew about whatever these issues were...
That dream dissolved into another dream where I was with my whole family - the twins were still just babies. My brothers were there, sister-in-law and parents. We were in some rental and there was a leak in the purple bathroom in the basement (??). But the most upsetting part of the dream is that Darth Vader (yes, from Star Wars) was going to kill me. That wasn't the most upsetting part - the upsetting part was that you didn't really die - you only died for 10 minutes (which was going to be miserable I'm sure) but then you lived forever (kind of like vampire) and I didn't want to live forever (!!). And part of the curse of getting killed by Darth Vader is that you had to kill two other people who would also then live forever. And I didn't want to do that either - because who would you curse to live forever - another family member? A friend? A complete stranger? How do you chose? It was distressing and I was trying to get away - but really how do you get away from Darth Vader? I was watching a guy try to do it and it was like watching a mouse get away from a cat - interesting but pathetic. (Usually at this point I'm able to wake myself up and say, um, Michelle, not real but I just watched this time.)

I woke up later - completely exhausted and stressed out. The apartment was filled with the aroma from the vegetarian chili I had made the night before. I was running around as quickly as a could so that I would be late for work - packing my lunch and dinner to eat at my Obama volunteer shift after work.

What a way to start a long Monday.

(But what a cute picture of Fezzi under warm blankets on a cold rainy Monday.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I share your dream memory condition. Glad I also have a cat to calm the waters...hope the chili was great!