Sunday, September 07, 2008


On Friday, at work, I had an instant of very good karma. And though a blog is not necessarily the place to get into details, some people from outside my agency I had tried to work with kicked me out of their sandbox (passively aggressively of course) and I just went about playing under the tree and doing my own damn thing. And it turns out it was a good thing - as it always it - the karma that I sent out in the world (by not getting into a pissing war with the others in the sandbox) came back around to me and I succeeded. Of course I had to run down the hall at work and yell "That's your bad karma coming back to bite you in the ass!" to, of course, no one who understood what the hell I was talking about.

Today I went to get gas before heading to the Fred for a couple of pre-bout errands and there was a guy who came over to me pitching a story of needing some gas for his truck - just enough to get to a local neighborhood... I told him I needed to get my own gas and really did he need to harass me so early in the morning - spending too much time in my personal space. He went on about how the pumps were cheating me (no they aren't, they're regulated), and if I could just help him out. As I was about to put the pump away he kept on going on and on about needing gas so I filled his little red can about a dollars-worth and hopped back in the car. And of course my car won't start - the radio worked, the lights went on but the alternator must have given out at some point - there wasn't enough juice to turn the engine over. Well the crazy guy comes back with his friend and asks a million times "is it automatic? Is it automatic? Is it automatic?" No! And it's not the battery and it doesn't have loose cables. Well, he's thrilled about the idea that the car is a manual and he and his friend push the car while it's in first and I pop the clutch - and it starts - driving it off the Fred. It was reluctant karma - I gave the guy gas - not because I wanted to and he helps me out - not because he had to.

Not about karma -today I played in a very fun bout - with skaters from a variety of leagues from all around the Pacific Northwest - I had a great time playing in a couple of jams with them and look forward to more. That is one of my favorite reasons to play derby - planning with other gals from other places. It's the best.

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