Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I was walking back from a many-times-delayed lunch meeting with another development officer (one of the reasons my own people make me crazy) when I called Rebecca back to chat about jobs and such. She asked me if I had heard if Shannon's baby had been born yet. I admitted that I didn't know, I hadn't spoken to her since July 4th weekend in which she had told the doctor, no, I don't want to be induced, please let nature take it's course. Rebecca didn't want to be surprised to see them walking down the street with a toddler (as I've neglected to tell her about some very important details in other people's lives, like the fact that my brother and sister-in-law had been expecting and that a mutual friend had surgery for a brain tumor.) I told her I would call Shannon right that minute to find out about baby...

Lyman, Shannon's husband (and the both of them being the BEST roommate ever!) answered the phone. Hi Lyman! I was just calling to see what you two are up to and if you had that baby yet (expecting to hear a crying in the background). "We're having a baby." Did you already? "No, we're at the hospital now." I started laughing, I was just calling you to find out what was going on.... and now I know. And there will be a new baby sometime by the end of today or early tomorrow and I can't wait to hear about it!

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